Monday, 28 March 2011

Essay - Needs

2.  How are people’s behavior and decision affected by their definition of ‘needs’? Discuss.

In today’s society; assuming that the economy has achieved its comfort level, the needs of people are mainly emotional resonance driven by their secondary gains.  When one is satisfied another will sprout.  Needs changes chronologically but is crucially dictated by the immediate situation that one is faced with.   However preferential a need may be; it will shift, de-energize; and even reset to basics physiological needs when an environmental threat arises; directly or indirectly.

As Technology churns out new ideas; behavior of every day life takes a shift almost too soon. Updating and owning the latest gadgets has become a need more than a trend.  People today simply cannot function when they do not have their mobile 3G phones.   

Traditional business needs starts to de-energize as the internet advances.   Cyberspace allows people to find new avenues to trade.  Businesses today, no longer operate in the old perimeters as anyone is able to reach out globally.  Less personal business interaction is needed.  The need to depend solely on domestic circles are days of the past.  This means that maintaining an expensive car and a country club membership to display financial credibility is no longer a preferential need.

The recent days have witnessed how mother earth fights back.  Infrastructures were brought down practically overnight.  This is the time that all the needs of mankind become secondary; resetting to the basic physiological needs.  At a time like this, all anybody care about will be the immediate crucial need for survival; food, water and shelter.

People’s behavior and decision in developed countries will always be affected by their definition of ‘needs’.  Our world has gotten so embroiled to new technologies that our needs have defined us instead.  Everyone will literally be crippled at a time of a catastrophe without their mobile phone or their wheels.  

Albert Einstein said; "I know not with what weapon World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” The craving needs of nuclear supremacy by powerful countries will eventually lead to total devastation.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

CT4 Tuitorial Essay - Success

2. How does our view of success influence the path we choose in our life? 

Our view of success alone will not clearly unveil the path that we can choose to achieve whatever goals in life.  Before anybody can find his road to success, he must first be able to imagine clearly what he desires as a final outcome.  The power to imagine success is the catalyst that will crystalize the raw perception. Thus the ability of a person to conceive virtually and kinesthically in his mind; the success he desires, is his guiding force that will encompass him in that direction.

How we visualize success uniquely within the domains of our minds is the first basic step. One simple way to set a person in that state is to ask him to close his eyes and virtually see himself in his dream car.  Lets assume that it is a Ferrari that he has worked and paid fully for.  Have him clearly see the type of car; the color of the car, its upholstery and details of the dashboard.  Then have him imagine listening to the sound of the engine as he move it into gear.

And what has kinesthetics got to do with it here? Linking emotions and allowing that video that is running in the mind to take its own course is most important.  This is the way to short circuits the critial factor; a filter that takes reference to our past experience, values, believes and fears.  Critical factor is the devil's advocate. It's this inner voice that sabotages us so often by questioning; "What if ?" and  rebutting; "Yes, but ".  It is that part of our mind that holds us back from ultimate greatness.  It imposes logical thinking separating us from engaging what the heart yearns for.

Coupling the visual, audio and emotion generates a powerful directional force. This physiological-emotional product is called feelings.  Feelings that are stored in our unconscious mind becomes our natural built-in guidance system.  Unleashing this unconscious feeling will lead us to the kind of success that our heart truely desires.  Recognizing that enables us to identify what we truly stand for. Letting these unregulated feelings track between the time-space state of our mind, only observing the unfolding mysteries will help us understand ourself better.  In the earlier example, we will understand where the money to buy that Ferrari can possibly be coming from.  That will eventually equate to the kind of work and lifestyle that one enjoy soaking in.  This knowledge helps us to initiate the course charting in that direction.

Richard Bentler is the founder of the Neuro Linguistic Programming. He has created a technology that people can find success in everything they set out to do with their life. Steven G. Jone uses the same technique that expands into his Life Coaching program. Our very own inspirational pace setting guru; Adam Khoo, calls this creating states in his Patterns of Excellence program.  Being true to our feelings is important in helping us choose the path that create not just a successful, but a unique meaningful life.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

FP106 Chapter 1 page 10 Write your paragraph : Autism

Global statistics review that 6 out of every 1000 children are affected by what is widely known simply as ASD in short. Statistics also review that there are significantly more boy affected by this than girls. Some articles deduced that the female has an extra chromosone contributed by the biological father.

TEACCH is an educational system developed and adopted by major institutions all over the world, created mainly to equip this group of special needs children with cognitive and daily life skills. 

Articles on this so called Out-of-Synch child recommending therapy for Sensory Integration, Homeostasis Balance, GFCF (Gluten Free Casein Free) diets, Native Remedies, to an endless list of OT (Occupational Therapies) can be found at the mere click of the mouse in the recent days.

So what is ASD?

Imagine any one of the five basic senses is dysfunction. The impairment; whether it is in the over or under sensitive range, will cause so much disturbance that the brain cannot simply function in a regular mode. I often use the layman thought of being In-the-Fog when I try to describe the feeling to anyone who has not encountered or have never had the word "Autism" in their vocabulary.

Possible causes has been hotly debated for at least a decade. Despite all that has been said; the greatest of academics and doctors have declared that there is no known cure to Autism.

The world falls apart; especially with newly weds who eagerly desire to form a complete family; in the hope of grabbing that bundle of joy; the moment they receive confirmation that their first born child has been diagnosed with ASD.

Findings on Sensory Integration clearly illustrates that if we represent the five senses as the point of a star; then core that fundamentally holds them together is the vestibular balance and proprioceptive system. Very few websites takes this issue further than that.

As the human body is a 65% to 75% fluid system; my unqualified guess is;  through methodic, self exerted activation of the vestibular balance and proprioceptive system; we can modulate the interoceptive system that regulates the detoxing functions in order to maintain a healthy homeostatic balance.