Tuesday, 1 March 2011

FP106 Chapter 1 page 10 Write your paragraph : Autism

Global statistics review that 6 out of every 1000 children are affected by what is widely known simply as ASD in short. Statistics also review that there are significantly more boy affected by this than girls. Some articles deduced that the female has an extra chromosone contributed by the biological father.

TEACCH is an educational system developed and adopted by major institutions all over the world, created mainly to equip this group of special needs children with cognitive and daily life skills. 

Articles on this so called Out-of-Synch child recommending therapy for Sensory Integration, Homeostasis Balance, GFCF (Gluten Free Casein Free) diets, Native Remedies, to an endless list of OT (Occupational Therapies) can be found at the mere click of the mouse in the recent days.

So what is ASD?

Imagine any one of the five basic senses is dysfunction. The impairment; whether it is in the over or under sensitive range, will cause so much disturbance that the brain cannot simply function in a regular mode. I often use the layman thought of being In-the-Fog when I try to describe the feeling to anyone who has not encountered or have never had the word "Autism" in their vocabulary.

Possible causes has been hotly debated for at least a decade. Despite all that has been said; the greatest of academics and doctors have declared that there is no known cure to Autism.

The world falls apart; especially with newly weds who eagerly desire to form a complete family; in the hope of grabbing that bundle of joy; the moment they receive confirmation that their first born child has been diagnosed with ASD.

Findings on Sensory Integration clearly illustrates that if we represent the five senses as the point of a star; then core that fundamentally holds them together is the vestibular balance and proprioceptive system. Very few websites takes this issue further than that.

As the human body is a 65% to 75% fluid system; my unqualified guess is;  through methodic, self exerted activation of the vestibular balance and proprioceptive system; we can modulate the interoceptive system that regulates the detoxing functions in order to maintain a healthy homeostatic balance.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing, what you've chosen as your path. I had an autistic child in my class once, while it was a short stint, it was an enlightening experience.
